
Your home is likely your single biggest financial investment. More than that, it protects the people and belongings that mean the most to you. That's why people invest in strong door locks to ensure that their property is safe. However, you should also be aware of common signs of lock tampering so you can know when to take additional precautions.

What Suggests Someone Has Meddled With Your Door Locks? 

1. Keyhole Scratches 

Scratches around your keyhole are typically caused by someone trying to enter your home. A thief utilizes screwdrivers or other small tools like a pick to grip the lock, forcing an entry. It can leave indents behind from the utensil's motion of constant turning and pushing. These marks are especially noticeable on older locks, where these nicks appear shiny compared to the rest of the worn finish. It may also cut into the edges of the keyhole.

2. Bent Metal or Frame

door lock

Other methods of entry can be more destructive. If you see warped metal or wood around your door frame, it may be the result of someone trying to pry the door open. A thief does this by placing an object like a screwdriver or crowbar between the door and its frame. They then use leverage to force the door to pop open.

If you see dents on the lock, a burglar may have tried to bump the lock open. Bumping is one way a false key can be used to open your door. Once this fake is placed in your keyhole, a thief hits it with an object. The force of the hit affects the delicate inner parts of the lock and causes it to open.

3. Your Lock Struggles to Open

When it is tough to turn your key, there may be problems inside the keyhole. This can be a sign of bumping or picking. These methods can damage the sensitive pins and tumblers inside your lock, making it more challenging for the teeth of your key to work. 


If you suspect someone has tried to enter your home without permission, have new door locks installed by Mr. Lock Security of Cincinnati, OH. With over 30 years of experience, their professionals also offer home security cameras and safes to keep your property protected. To speak to a locksmith, call (515) 232-2424. 
