4 Funeral Preplanning Mistakes to Avoid
Making funeral arrangements in advance is not as difficult as you may believe, and it's a process that can provide peace of mind for relatives and friends in the event of your death. However, making mistakes while planning can lead to even more stress for your loved ones. That's why it's important to know about these common funeral preplanning mistakes and how to avoid them.
Avoid These Funeral Preplanning Oversights
1. Not Setting Aside Funds
Setting aside money in a trust or prepaid funeral plan is a great way to ensure that all costs are taken care of without having an impact on any other assets you may have, and without placing the financial burden on your loved ones.
Remember to estimate how much money will be needed for the services and products you want included in your funeral arrangements, and factor in inflation increases. Being unrealistic about what expenses will be incurred could leave your family with a bill, so consult with an expert if needed.
2. Not Updating Your Documents
Once you've made arrangements for your funeral, it's important to keep all documents up to date. This includes making sure that any necessary changes to assets, bank accounts, or trusts are reflected, as well as updating your will and related documents as needed.
Additionally, make sure that all legal documents related to your estate and funeral preplanning are kept on file in a safe place so they can be easily accessed by your family members in the event of your death.
3. Not Having Your Wishes in Writing
Think about what kind of service you want and make sure that this is indicated in writing so that there's no confusion or disagreements later on. From religious services or nonreligious tributes to the type of music you'd like played at the service, making these decisions ahead of time ensures your family is aware of your wants.
Finally, make sure your preferences for the funeral service and arrangements are kept safe somewhere family members can access them if necessary.
4. Forgetting Important People
It's easy to forget that there's more to funeral planning than just the service itself. Be sure to consider who you want to be informed of your death, people who may need help dealing with it, and those you would like to give a eulogy at the service.
Be mindful of those who may not be able to attend the service due to distance or expense but who would still like to be informed of your passing. You may also express your preferences for how to write your obituary, too.
When it comes to preparing for the future and ensuring your funeral preplanning is done correctly, trust Robert W. Waid Funeral Home in Meadville, PA. For over a century, they have served Crawford County with care and compassion. Their responsive, accommodating staff will help you with all the steps of the funeral planning process. To learn more about their services, visit the website or call (814) 724-1021 to speak to a representative.