
When you are a driver, regular car inspections are necessary to make sure every component is working as it should. Part of this checkup should involve examining your wiper blades to determine if they should be replaced. Typically, this action should be performed anytime they start to exhibit the following signs of failure. 

How to Tell When You Need New Wiper Blades

1. Cracked & Broken Rubber

You should examine your wiper-blade car inspection by looking at the rubber on the devices. They should be one long, smooth piece. If you notice any splits, tears, or cracks, they’re probably already due for replacing.

2. Streaks on the Windshield

Think back to the last time you used the wipers. Did they leave streaks behind on the windshield? If so, use a cloth to wipe away any dirt on the rubber blades. Then use the windshield washer setting to clean the glass. If the wipers are still causing smear marks, it’s time to get new ones.

3. Scratching Sounds

car inspectionDuring the streak test of your car inspection, listen for any sounds coming from the blades. If you notice an unpleasant scratching noise, this is a clear sign that you should change out the wipers. The rubber sponge is so worn that the metal bar behind it is grating against the glass, and this can permanently scratch the windshield. 

4. Squeaking Noises

When wiper blades start to get old, the rubber hardens. When this occurs, they are unable to fully make contact with the glass and will make an unpleasant squeaking sound. This will make it difficult for them to remove rainwater as you drive.

5. Corroded Metal

It’s not always the rubber that warrants a blade replacement. Sometimes, after sitting out in particularly harsh weather, the metal on the wipers can corrode. If this happens, it increases the possibility that they will fail during their next usage. You don’t want to be in the middle of a downpour and have this happen.


The wiper blades are just one part that should be looked over during your car inspection. To ensure all parts are in good working order, bring your vehicle to T. Busch Automotive in Jefferson, OH. This family-operated car repair shop provides comprehensive services for all makes and models, and their certified auto mechanics will ensure your vehicle is 100% safe before you head back out on the road. To schedule an appointment today, call them at (440) 576-1971. You can also visit their website to learn more about their services. 
