What You Need to Know About Septic Systems & Ponds
The wastewater treatment that occurs in a septic system can impact nearby water supplies and water features, including ponds, on your property. If you're thinking of installing a pond, it's important to understand how a septic system can affect it and the steps you need to take to ensure the system's smooth, dependable operation. Here are some crucial facts to know about septic systems and ponds.
A septic system works by treating wastewater and sending it to a drain field. Once there, the soil absorbs and filters the wastewater to remove harmful substances and essentially make it safe before it reaches the underground water supply. When a pond is built in proximity to a septic system, there is a risk of certain chemicals, like nitrogen and phosphorous, leaching into the pond from the drain field. This can cause uncontrollable growth of algae and other plants and sicken or kill any fish that populate the pond. These harmful effects can spread; for instance, if a wild animal eats an infected fish, they too could become ill or die.
Distance Requirements
Most regulations require a minimum distance of 100 feet between the septic system and the pond to prevent wastewater from damaging the pond. In general, the more you can separate these two features, the safer it will be for the effective treatment of wastewater and successfully sustaining the pond's ecosystem.
How to Protect the Septic System
You can further protect both of these features by taking steps to protect the septic system and support its healthy operation. Plant meadow grasses over the drain field to improve the absorption of excess nutrients and bacteria, thereby preventing them from reaching water supplies and ponds. Keep the drain field free of heavy equipment and foot traffic to avoid soil compaction, ensuring it continues to absorb and filter wastewater. Also, practice good septic maintenance by having the tank pumped every three to five years, disposing only of waste and toilet paper in household drains, and keeping nearby trees and tree roots trimmed so they don't impede the system's pipes.
When you need septic system installation or service, contact American On Site in Molalla, OR. Since 2003, they have provided septic repairs, maintenance, cleaning, and installations to customers throughout the Willamette Valley. Visit them online for more information on their septic system services, or call (503) 829-7600 to request a quote.
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