
A well-functioning septic system is crucial to a comfortable and sanitary home. Fortunately, you can take many steps to keep your system functioning optimally. These habits will also save you money on repairs and prevent plumbing mishaps. 

How Can I Keep My Septic System in Good Shape?

1. Be Mindful of What You Flush

Toilet paper is safe for flushing because it's designed to break down rapidly in water. Other paper products, such as facial tissues and paper towels, do not break down as quickly, which means they should never be flushed. The same goes for hygiene products, wet wipes, kitty litter, and anything that isn't toilet paper. If left unaddressed, these items will collect in septic pipes and filters and cause nasty backups into your home.  

2. Adjust Your Water Usage

septic system

Generating too much water from your home at one time can overwhelm your septic tank and drain field. Under normal circumstances, the wastewater flows through the tank and into the drain field slowly, ensuring it can be released into the surrounding soil safely. This process is disrupted when too much water is generated too quickly, leading to drain field flooding and leaks. It's best to spread the laundry over a few days rather than do it all at once. Having your family stagger their showers in the morning and waiting to run the dishwater until later at night also helps your septic system run optimally. 

3. Don't Flush Harsh Chemicals Down the Drain

Bacteria within your septic tank are an essential aspect of the wastewater treatment process. Not only do they break down the solid waste, but they also ensure liquid wastewater is safe for reintroduction into the surrounding drain field. The use of chemical drain cleaners or cleansers that contain bleach and ammonia can kill bacteria in the tank and prevent them from breaking down waste effectively. Use plungers instead of drain cleaners on clogs, and make sure the cleaning products you use are marked septic safe. 

4. Schedule Pumping Every Three to Five Years

Septic pumping also depletes solid wastes in your tank to keep it in ideal working order. Homeowners are encouraged to schedule pumping every three to five years at least, but your specific schedule depends on your home. A septic professional can help you evaluate the household size, water usage, and tank capacity to develop the right maintenance schedule for your family. 


American On Site performs essential septic maintenance and repairs for families in Molalla, OR. Every service they offer is backed by over 15 years of experience, so you can trust in their guidance. They're also happy to provide customers with tips and insights to keep septic problems to a minimum. Call (503) 829-7600 to discuss your septic system with the professionals, or visit them online to learn more about septic maintenance.
