
Now that summer is in full swing, you need your air conditioning to work properly to get you through the long, hot days. Having your AC serviced is the best way to ensure it is running correctly and will keep you cool all summer long. But how often should you get air conditioner service? Let the experts at Air Pro Heating & Air in Canton, GA, explain.

Most experts recommend getting air conditioner service at least once a year. Spring is usually the best time to schedule your appointment because your HVAC professional will be able to address any issues or concerns before you turn on your AC. However, you can schedule maintenance any time during the year to make sure your system is performing properly and will be able to keep you cool.

air conditioner serviceScheduling routine maintenance will not only keep you comfortable in your home, but it can also help reduce the costs associated with air conditioner repairs because it proactively addresses concerns and a clean system will run more efficiently reducing your energy costs. Relatively simple maintenance tasks, such as changing the air filters and cleaning your duct work, will go a long way to keeping your system efficient. Other services, such as cleaning the coils and checking the motor, operating pressures and temperatures, blower, and drain line, will help reduce issues with how your system functions once it is running throughout the summer months.

Service technicians are experienced at finding small issues that may lead to big problems. By schedule regular air conditioner service, you can avoid larger issues that will cost much more money to repair and may keep you without a functioning AC in the summer heat.

If you haven’t scheduled air conditioner service yet this year, it is not too late. Contact the experienced contractors at Air Pro Heating & Air today. Call (770) 386-5603 to set up an appointment, or visit them online to learn more about their HVAC services.
