Waste Management Law: 3 Reasons You May Need Cesspool Conversion
If you own an older property with private plumbing, your primary waste management system may be a cesspool. A cesspool is usually built from concrete, rocks, or bricks to provide a solitary space for waste to collect and sift back out to the surrounding earth. Many people choose to convert cesspools to septic systems, as the latter is typically more efficient and safer for your property and the environment.
According to First Quality Environmental — Oahu’s best waste management resource — there are three other instances when a homeowner is required by law to convert a cesspool to a septic tank system:
When To Convert Your Cesspool To A Septic System
1. Cesspool Failure
In some instances, you can make minimal repairs to a cesspool with the help of a contractor. However, when the system fails and waste no longer discharges from the unit, you will need to upgrade to a septic tank for more effective waste disposal.
2. Large Cesspool Designation:
If your residential cesspool serves two or more housing units — such as an apartment complex — or is on commercial property that serves more than 20 people a day, you likely have a large capacity cesspool (LCC). LCCs are required by law to be reported to the EPA and Hawaii Department of Health to determine if they should be shut down to protect the health and safety of the community. If you do need an LCC closure in Hawaii, the state requires you to work with a professional waste management company to determine the options you have.
3. Home Expansion
Another time you may be required to convert your home’s cesspool is if you are planning on new construction. If you are adding one or more bedrooms to the property, you will need to upgrade to septic system service. However, it should be noted that if you have more than five bedrooms, the state of Hawaii will not permit a septic tank on residential property.
While having to convert a cesspool may not seem like an ideal home improvement, First Quality Environmental is standing by to make the process much easier and affordable. To find out what waste management alternatives will work for you, call the septic tank experts of Oahu at (808) 259-0100. Visit their website to learn more about their history and unrivaled expertise.