
If you deal with lower back pain daily, you’ve likely tried countless remedies. There are several approaches to pain relief, many of which are simple to perform. Walking has been shown to alleviate pain and also increase healing, a combination that’s crucial for resolving and preventing future flare-ups. Walking is easy to incorporate into your routine, so consider the following benefits if you’re searching for solutions to chronic pain.

How Walking Relieves Back Pain

Increased Flexibility

A lot of back pain manifests from tense muscles. When your lower back, hamstrings, and other muscles in the back become stiff, they’re more susceptible to injury. They may also apply painful pressure to nerves, especially the sensitive sciatica nerve. When you walk, your body naturally stretches these muscles and loosens up. The increased range of motion reduces the likelihood of immediate and future injuries and will also keep you comfortable throughout the day. If you work in an office, try getting up and taking a stroll every 20 minutes.

Muscle Strengthening

back painAn important part of injury prevention is keeping your core muscles strong. Walking strengthens the muscles throughout your back, so they better support your spine. This then translates to improved posture and reduced posture-related pain. Most importantly, stronger muscles are less prone to injury. Walking also improves foot, leg, and hip muscles and joints, so you can enjoy pain relief and prevent injuries in these areas.

Improved Circulation

Blood and nutrients need to circulate to your lower back to repair injuries and alleviate inflammation. When you sit for long stretches, circulation slows down. Going for a light walk will get your blood moving, so your muscles get a healthy boost and toxins are drained. For further support, invest in a quality pair of shoes. The benefits will resonate to your lower back. Try incorporating short walks into your daily schedule to reduce lower back pain. You can couple these with at-home training and treatment from a chiropractor to further improve your spinal health.


If you live with chronic back pain or other injuries, physical therapy is an invaluable resource. O’Fallon Pain Relief Associates makes injury treatment a priority and proudly serves residents of St. Charles County, MO. They can address a variety of issues, including back and neck pain, and design personalized rehabilitation programs for each patient. Explore their practice on their website and connect on Facebook for more pain management tips. To schedule a consultation, call (636) 978-3000.
