
Though it may be easy to skip out on flossing, it should be an essential part of your oral hygiene routine. Food can easily become lodged between your teeth in spaces that can't be reached by brushing alone. By following proper flossing techniques and avoiding improper ones, you can eliminate plaque build-up and spare yourself a trip to the dentist for a cavity.


Floss daily.

Flossing should occur at least once daily to remove plaque and bacteria that feed on particles of food in your mouth. Though the time of day doesn't matter, it can help to floss at the same time each day to create a routine. It also doesn't matter if you brush or floss first, as long as you follow proper techniques for each.

Use new floss for each tooth.

Re-using a piece of floss won't be as effective, as it could cause bacteria to be left behind in your mouth. As you move between teeth, unroll a new section of floss onto one finger while rolling the previously used section onto the finger of your other hand. Then, throw your floss away when you're finished.


Use too much pressure.

If you're too aggressive when flossing, you could harm your gums. For instance, "popping" your floss can scrape the gums and won't remove much plaque. Be sure to use proper technique and guide the floss in a gentle back and forth motion while forming a C-shape around each tooth.

Stop if your gums bleed.

If you see some bleeding while flossing, don't be alarmed. It's relatively common for gums to bleed when you first begin flossing due to plaque building up on the gum line and between teeth. It may help to use a rinse, such as salt water or an antimicrobial rinse, to kill bacteria in the affected area. If your bleeding doesn't clear up, schedule a visit with your dentist for an evaluation.


For more tips on how to properly maintain your oral hygiene, visit a dentist at Dansville Family Dental Care in Livingston County, NY. The experts at this clinic will perform comprehensive exams to assess your oral health, and offer general, restorative, and cosmetic dentistry procedures. Get more information about their services online, or call (585) 335-6170 to schedule your first appointment today.
