
Chronic cheek biting describes when individuals constantly bite or chew on the inside of their cheeks, and dentists often see its effect on oral health. If this sounds familiar, here’s what you need to know about the condition and how it's treated.

Potential Causes

If a person’s upper and lower teeth don’t align properly, an overbite or underbite may form. It may cause accidental and chronic cheek biting because the teeth don’t make full contact when eating or talking. 

Another common cause is temporomandibular disorder (TMD). The temporomandibular joints allow the jaw to move sideways and forward. A disorder prevents seamless jaw movement. Constant teeth clenching and grinding can make it painful to eat or open the mouth. The disorder may also lead to chronic cheek biting due to inadequate jaw movement.

Individuals diagnosed with body-focused repetitive behavior (BFRB) may also constantly bite the inside of their cheeks. Engaging in the habit is linked to feelings of anxiety, stress, and OCD. Chronic cheek biting may offer relief and provide a sense of control during uncertain situations. 

Effects of Constant Cheek Biting

Over time, the habit can cause significant damage to mouth tissue. An open wound may form, which can cause canker sores and, in extreme cases, ulcers. Tissue erosion from chronic cheek biting can also lead to lesions that transfer harmful bacteria to teeth and gums.

Consistent cheek biting can make it painful to brush and floss properly. If food particles are not removed with oral hygiene practices, plaque, tooth decay, gingivitis, and permanent tooth loss may develop.

Treatment Options

dentistImproving teeth alignment can reduce or end chronic cheek biting. Braces are commonly used to realign upper and lower teeth. Dentists can also create customized veneers, which are dental materials attached to the teeth’s surface to ensure they align. 

A custom-fitted mouth guard can create a protective barrier against cheek chewing and trauma from teeth grinding and sports injuries. In some cases, therapy may help treat the underlying psychological cause of chronic cheek biting. 


If you’re dealing with chronic cheek biting, seek treatment options from Dansville Family Dental Care. For nearly 20 years, the Dansville, NY-based office has used state-of-the-art technology to provide comprehensive preventative and customized oral care. Call (585) 335-6170 to schedule an appointment with a dentist, or visit the website for more information on their services.
