4 Common Tree Diseases & How to Identify Them
There are several diseases that may affect trees in Central Florida. Though some are benign and easy to treat, others may cause root rot, defoliation, and result in the death of the tree. Here’s how to identify these diseases and what a professional arborist can do to help.
What Diseases Impact Central Florida Trees?
1. Slime Flux
Slime flux is a bacterial disease that affects the roots of trees such as elms, cottonwoods, and poplars, causing them to rot. The trunk may appear wet, and you might notice a foul odor. An arborist can prevent the tree from dying by strategically drilling holes in the trunk to drain bacterial fluids.
2. Powdery Mildew
Powdery mildew has a grayish-white coloration that resembles a fine dust coating the leaves of trees. Humid climates support the growth of this fungus, and trees in shaded areas are especially vulnerable. Since this disease removes nutrients and causes premature defoliation, hire an arborist to prune the problem branches.
3. Needle Blight
This fungal disease attacks longleaf pines. The needles develop yellow and brown spots as they slowly die. The application of fungicides by a tree care professional will combat blight so that your pines remain green, full, and healthy.
4. Cankers
Cankers are discolored patches of tissue on the trunks and branches of trees. Those with thin bark, such as apples or maples, are often more susceptible to developing lesions. These fungi prevent normal growth and may spread to other parts of the tree if not dealt with quickly.
Keep your trees healthy and outdoor areas gorgeous with help from the arborists at Crusader Tree Service And Property Maintenance in Hawthorne, FL. They provide tree trimming, pruning, and debris hauling. Call (352) 219-3264 to book an appointment for tree trimming, or visit their website to learn more about how they can help you maintain your property’s foliage.