Shopping Mall
Waipahu Town Center
94050 Farrington Hwy, Waipahu, HI 96797

About Waipahu Town Center

Whether you’re in the market for something specific or are just looking to pass the time, the Waipahu Town Center is the way to go. Conveniently located just south of the H-1 Freeway, this shopping mall houses over 35 local and national tenants, from restaurants to clothing stores, making them a must-visit destination for Hawaiian natives and tourists alike.  

Waipahu Town Center is managed by Meridian Pacific, LTD., a prestigious real estate developer based in Honolulu, HI. The company has proudly served both Hawaii and the mainland for over 35 years. Through their result-driven approach and superior property management services, they offer unique retail opportunities to both established and up-and-coming business owners as well as a pleasant shopping experience for all.  

If you’re interested in property leasing from Hawaii’s best real estate developer, call Meridian Pacific, LTD. at (808) 677-6700  or visit their website today. For more on Waipahu Town Center, their current tenants, and upcoming events, like them on Facebook.
