Coffee Shop
The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf
18201 Crenshaw Boulevard, Torrance, CA 90504

About The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf

The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf has been purveying specialty coffees and teas since 1963. With a commitment to quality, the company has built relationships with private estates throughout East Africa, Latin America, and the Pacific, selecting only the finest leaves and beans.

When it comes to coffee, buyers select only the top 1% of Arabica beans. These coffee beans, typically grown at altitudes of up to 6,000 feet, have a more concentrated flavor. At any café, there’s a variety of flavor profiles characterized as reserve, light and subtle, light and distinctive, medium and smooth, dark and distinctive, flavored, and decaf.

Tea is taken seriously at The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf, which employs and dispatches expert tea buyers to the world’s finest estates. These tea-drinking pros use a cupping technique to determine quality based on sight, smell, and taste before purchasing the finest loose teas. As a result, customers enjoy a distinct array of black, oolong, green decaf, and herbal teas.

The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf supports the global community with its Caring Cup initiatives, which support charities, schools, and foundations around the world. Through these programs, the company aims to promote the well-being of communities served by stores and give back to those where the high-quality products are grown.

To taste some of the world's finest coffees and teas, find a café location near you—visit The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf online.
