
When you visit the dentist for a routine appointment, you likely have a cleaning and receive dental X-rays. This imaging plays an important role in comprehensive, preventive dental care. Here’s a closer look into how dental professionals use X-rays in their practice.

What Are Dental X-Rays?

Also known as radiographs, dental X-rays are a form of diagnostic imaging that allow dentists to see internal structures of the mouth that aren’t visible during a routine exam. They use radiant energy, which can pass through the body to capture images of teeth, bones, and soft tissue in the mouth. 

dentist Hamilton OH

Dentists can either use intraoral or extraoral X-rays. While intraoral images are taken in the mouth to view the jawbone and teeth, extraoral images are taken externally and provide details of the jaw and surrounding skull.

How Are They Used? 

Dentists use X-rays to discover and diagnose issues at an earlier stage than when they’d be visible to the naked eye or present symptoms. These issues would otherwise go undetected until later, when they’d become more difficult to treat. 

X-ray imaging can reveal tooth decay, minor cracks in teeth and dental work, bone loss, infection in a tooth’s root, and impacted teeth (such as wisdom teeth). In young patients, X-rays can also help dental professionals ensure proper teeth development is taking place. With the images they capture, dentists can plan the best treatments for patients, such as repairing cavities or performing root canal therapy.

How Often Do You Need Dental X-Rays?

Most patients need dental X-rays every one to two years to monitor for cavities and signs of gum disease. With that in mind, individual factors such as dental health and age may also be considered to provide a more tailored recommendation. For example, patients with gum disease or a history of frequent cavities may need imaging at more frequent intervals. 


If you’re due for a dental exam, turn to the office of Charles P. Debbane, DDS in Hamilton, OH. This family dentist offers a wide range of treatment options, including preventive care through timely dental X-rays. See the practice’s full list of services online or call (513) 887-6654 to schedule a visit.
