
Many people become ride-share drivers to make extra money. If you're contemplating this option, you must first check that you have the proper auto insurance coverage. A personal policy is not enough to protect yourself, your passengers, and your vehicle, so explore the guide below to find out what you need in this industry.

Typical Policies

General auto policies are insufficient for covering commercial activities, but ride-sharing companies offer their own insurance plans. They provide liability coverage if you're in an accident and additional protection if you get into an accident with an underinsured or uninsured motorist.

Coverage typically begins when you pick up a passenger and ends when you drop them off. However, it only applies if you have a comprehensive or collision policy through your personal insurance. Before you start working for a ride-sharing company, review their specific auto insurance plans to ensure you understand the limitations and stipulations. 

Optional Coverage to Add 

auto insurance

Many major insurance companies offer ride-sharing endorsements to add to your existing policy. This addition ensures further protection for all kinds of situations. 

For instance, your ride-sharing company's insurance may not cover accidents occurring while you're on the clock but not actively transporting a client. Luckily, an endorsement policy gives you coverage regardless of whether you have a passenger in the car. As a bonus, they're generally quite affordable. 

Why Review Your Policy With an Agent

Many ride-sharing drivers mistakenly believe they shouldn't mention the job to their insurance providers. However, letting your agent know how you use your vehicle ensures they can find you the right coverage. Therefore, always be transparent with your agent if anything changes to keep policies up-to-date.


If you're a ride-share driver, ensure you have the proper protection with the help of Tim Bryan Insurance in Andalusia, AL. Serving clients throughout Covington and Crenshaw counties since 1985, this experienced agent is known for his friendly, prompt service. With their help, you can find an affordable home, life, or auto insurance coverage. For a quote, call (334) 222-1460. 
