
When selecting memorial monuments for loved ones, you’re faced with two main choices: marble and granite. While both are beautiful, they contain unique characteristics that could impact your final decision. Fortunately, the professionals at Rockingham, NC’s Custom Monument share the facts to help you make a well-informed choice.

Choosing Between Marble & Granite

Marble Monuments

Many people consider marble monuments the standard choice for memorials. Many of the country’s most-loved monuments were sculpted out of marble, leaving behind timeless treasures.

While marble peaked in popularity in the 19th century, this timeless and elegant material remains popular today. It’s also easy to cut and polish than other materials, making the creation opportunities endless. Unfortunately, it’s susceptible to negative weather conditions and pollution. While marble monuments might stand the test of time, they’ll eventually lose their detail and luster.

Granite Monuments

monumentsBoth granite signs and monuments remain popular markers, and with technology on the rise, this material is becoming even more common. Take a walk through any cemetery, and you’ll discover granite signs and structures created over 100 years ago, all in immaculate condition. Granite’s strength makes it resistant to even the harshest elements, including snow, salt, and pollution. If you want a structure that will stand the test of time, granite is an ideal option. With improvements in carving techniques, your one-of-a-kind creation will last for the long haul. 

Making the Choice

Choosing between marble and granite is a deeply personal decision. If you’re seeking a standout structure without detailed carving, then marble might be ideal. If you want intense detail that will withstand the elements, then granite might be a better option. Either way, knowing the pros and cons will help you make a well-informed decision. 

No matter which specifications you’re seeking, the professionals at Custom Monument will create a design that suits your needs. From choosing the initial material to that final finish, their dedicated staff will help you every step of the way. To browse their gallery of gorgeous monuments, visit the professionals online. To create your own design, call (910) 997-4704 today.
