
Dental care is essential to preserving the health of your teeth. Flossing and brushing help lower the risk of cavities, while routine checkups keep the hidden issues from getting out of hand. However, as you get older, determining how to provide the proper level of care might prove difficult. Here’s a closer look at the most common approaches to ensure you take the necessary precautions. 


Dentures are a set of prosthetics that can either line the top or bottom half of the gums. They serve as a replacement when you’ve had multiple teeth pulled and can preserve the strength of your bite. A family dentist will require custom molds to ensure that they provide a comfortable fit. 

Routine maintenance includes placing them in water or a denture care solution at night. Making sure that the water is cool, or room temperature, will keep them pliable and retain their shape. Brush them regularly with a nonabrasive cleanser and rinse your gums to eliminate bacteria. 

Natural Teeth

dental care

Those who still have their natural teeth can expect to continue brushing and flossing at least twice a day. Use a toothpaste that contains fluoride to strengthen the enamel and lower the risk of cavities. An antiseptic mouthwash should help clear out any hard-to-reach areas between the gums. 

Certain foods can also serve to improve the health of your teeth. Water, for example, triggers saliva production, which continually rinses the mouth and prevents plaque from developing near the gumline. Dairy products also contain calcium, so consuming them naturally strengthens the teeth and causes them to become less susceptible to cracking or breaking. 


Ensure your teeth receive the attention they require by working with Drs. Bradford and Catchings Family Dentistry in Fishersville, VA. These professionals commit to staying up-to-date on the latest techniques and provide quality dental care at an affordable rate. They firmly believe in the value of preventive treatment and cover a wide range of needs, including Invisalign® and dentures. Call (540) 213-1966 to schedule an appointment or visit their website for additional information on their services. 
