
Metal roofs have grown in popularity in recent years. As functional as it is aesthetically pleasing, this material offers many benefits. For example, it’s highly efficient and boasts an estimated life expectancy of up to 80 years. At the same time, it is vulnerable to a common issue called sweating, which occurs when humidity builds up beneath the roofing system. Here’s what you should know about its effect and how you can prevent it.

What Causes Metal Rooftop Condensation?

Condensation develops as a result of temperature fluctuations. When the air outside is cooler than the air inside the building, that warmth rises and naturally comes into contact with the roof’s cold surface. While this causes the warm air to cool down, it loses whatever moisture it previously had. This humidity instead builds up on the underside of the roof, causing small droplets to form almost like a raincloud.  

How Does It Impact the Roof’s Integrity?


The more condensation that is present, the more likely it is to cause damage to the metal. That’s because it usually cannot evaporate fast enough. This can lead the metal to corrode with time or even develop mold. Rust can eat away at the metal, leaving it vulnerable to leaks and your home susceptible to widespread damage as a result. Mold, meanwhile, is a potent allergen that can compromise health and lead to an unhealthy living environment.

What Can You Do to Resolve the Problem?

The key is to manage condensation by implementing an effective ventilation system. Luckily, you can promote proper airflow by relieving the air of moisture by ushering it outside. The first lines of defense for a roofing system are typically vents and soffits. Insulation is another effective solution that can be applied on the underside of the roof, which will prevent warm air from making contact with the cold roof. 


If you need a reliable roofing professional to resolve issues with sweating, turn to Springer Roofing in Kearney, NE. Proudly serving clients throughout Buffalo County, the roofing contractors offer a range of services to ensure the integrity of the structure. Visit the website for more information, or call (308) 237-4498 to schedule an appointment. 
