
Before purchasing a property or starting a construction project, it is essential to hire a land surveyor first. The surveyor will determine the exact boundaries, topographical limitations, and precise location of the property to prevent developers from making costly construction errors. Though land surveyors are licensed professionals trained to map out the property, they cannot carry out their job without the use of certain specialized equipment. Here’s a closer look at some of the tools they use.

The Primary Tools of a Land Surveyor

1. Surveying Instrument

All land surveyors use theodolites or total stations to measure horizontal and vertical angles on an area of land. A theodolite, also known as a transit, is a device consisting of an adjustable telescope mounted within two perpendicular axes— the trunnion or horizontal axis and the zenith axis. The total station is used to do the same measurements as the theodolite. However, it is generally considered a superior device because it is equipped with an onboard computer for collecting data and an EDM (electronic distance meter) used to locate objects or points in three dimensions relative to the unit. Unlike the theodolite which is manned by two surveyors, there are robotic versions of the total station that can be operated by just one person.

2. Surveying Tripod

land surveyorA surveyor’s tripod is used to support the theodolite or total station. It is sturdy and can be planted firmly into the ground. While it is in use, the device stays level without vibrating to facilitate precise measurements. 

3. Magnetic Locator

Surveyors primarily use magnetic locators to pinpoint rebar used to mark property corners. The device can also be used to locate other metal items buried in the ground like nails, metal survey markers, manhole covers, iron waterlines, and valve boxes.

4. Safety Vest

Construction sites are dangerous places to work. Surveyors wear bright orange or fluorescent yellow safety vests that make it easy for heavy machine operators to spot and avoid them. The vests are also designed with several compartments for storing portable surveying devices.

5. Hand Tools

Axes, saws, picks, ropes and measuring tape are among some of the tools necessary to do a land survey. A surveyor may use an ax, saw, or pick to clear away plants, rock, and debris that can obstruct their line of sight and hamper accurate survey readings. Tape is an easy way to mark a site while surveyor’s rope can be used as a drag chain for making rough measurements.


Flynn & CYR Land Surveying has been in business since 1986, and during that time, they’ve become one of the most trusted surveying companies in Kensington, CT. With their state-of-the-art equipment, these professionals will locate a boundary line, conduct subdivision surveys among other services. Call (860) 828-7886 to discuss your needs with a professional land surveyor, or visit them online to submit a request for a free estimate.
