
Getting a divorce is one of the most difficult emotional experiences many people will go through, but it’s also a complex legal process with consequences that will shape the next phase of your life. Although you might be in a hurry to file the paperwork, taking some time to prepare beforehand will ensure that you’ll be equipped to start over when the divorce is final.

4 Steps to Take Before Filing for Divorce

1. Find an Attorney

Hiring the right attorney can have a dramatic impact on your final settlement, so interview several candidates before making a decision. You’ll want a family lawyer you like, who understands your life goals, and who thinks carefully before recommending strategies and solutions.

2. Gather Your Financial Documents

attorneyA fair settlement depends, first of all, on having an accurate account of your marital assets. Make copies of all of your bank statements, investment paperwork, and other financial documents before meeting with your attorney, especially if you suspect your spouse will withhold them after being served.

3. Work Out an Ideal Custody Arrangement

Under normal circumstances, the courts will give you and your spouse some form of joint custody, so you’ll eventually have to work out a schedule. Developing an ideal arrangement that gives you both time with the children before filing will make the process much smoother when you do submit your petition.

4. Plan Your Living Arrangements

Working out where you plan to live before filing your paperwork will cut a lot of stress and confusion. Whether you plan to stay in the home with your spouse, would like to move out, or plan on them living elsewhere, it’s a good idea to set those goals in advance.

Since 1946, the dedicated team of attorneys at Doster, Post, Foushee, Post & Patton, P.A., have been helping Sanford, NC, residents dissolve their marriages with extremely effective legal counsel and award-winning service. Visit their website to learn more about their divorce law services, or call (919) 775-5616 to speak with an accomplished attorney today.
