
Tumbling classes can provide a healthy exercise outlet for participants of all ages. The beauty of the sport is its progressive nature, which allows students to build on foundations and advance at their own pace. As a leading facility for gymnastics, cheer, and tumbling in Penfield, NY, The Gymnastics Training Center of Rochester offers classes for students aged one and up and has a program available to meet every student’s skill level. Below, they provide a basic breakdown of levels for tumbling.

5 Levels of Tumbling

1. Preliminary Skills

During the toddler years and early childhood, students can learn about the foundations of flexibility, coordination, and movement. They’ll practice strength drills and build endurance. Complete beginners can also learn must-know prerequisites, like hand placement, falling safely to prevent injury, and somersaults.

2. Basics

tumbling Penfield NYStudents of any age can benefit from basic classes, as well as children who have mastered introductory courses. Basic movements such as handstands, front and back walkovers, and introductory handspring movements will be taught at this level. Strength and flexibility drills will also be incorporated to prepare students for advancement.

3. Intermediate

Once students have mastered the basics, they can advance to standing back handsprings, handstands, and forward jumps.

4. Advanced

As movements become easier for students to complete, they can begin to perform combination tumbling routines. These compound movements will increase in complexity, requiring greater endurance, flexibility, and coordination.

5. Competitive

Students with a passion for tumbling may wish to partake in competitive classes. Unlike recreational tumbling, competition programs train participants for matches against other schools. However, both recreational and competition programs are available for all different age groups. The Gymnastics Training Center of Rochester has USA competitive teams from levels 3-10.

The gym’s attentive staff will help decide which style of classes are right for your child’s need by considering their current age and skill level. Their inviting environment is open to all prospective gymnasts and provides the perfect opportunity to advance tumbling skills. To learn more about The Gymnastics Training Center of Rochester, call (585) 388-8686 or visit their website for additional program details.
