
Cheerleading is an enriching and fun activity for many young athletes. If you’re a cheerleader looking to improve, consider dedicating more time to conditioning workouts. Conditioning helps you build muscle strength and increase flexibility. Here are a few cheer conditioning exercises you should try.

3 Cheer Exercises to Boost Muscle Strength

1. Power Kick

The power kick exercise will help you jump higher during cheer stunts. To do this exercise, stand with your legs together and hold your arms outstretched to each side. Then, slowly lift your right foot toward your right hand with your toes pointed forward. Repeat the exercise six to eight times per leg for each set.

2. Squats

cheerSquats are ideal for building strength in the glutes and hamstrings and will help you jump higher. Stand with your feet slightly wider than your hips and have your arms in front of you. Then, slowly sit your hips back and bend your knees. Hold this position for a few seconds and come back up. Do three sets of 15 reps.

3. Open & Close the Gate

“Open the gate” and “close the gate” are designed to increase your range of motion, flexibility, and balance during cheer stunts. To open the gate, stand with your arms to the sides and lift your right knee in front of you to form a 90-degree angle. Keep the knee up as you move your leg to the side, opening your hips. Then, bring your leg back down to its original position.

Closing the gate is performed just like opening the gate, except it’s done backward. Lift your right knee to the side in a 90-degree angle and then move it to the forward position. Do each exercise four to six reps per leg for each set.


To improve your cheerleading skills, turn to The Gymnastics Training Center of Rochester Inc. The 22,000 square foot gym offers gymnastics, cheer, tumbling, and dance classes for athletes of all ages throughout Monroe and Wayne counties, NY. For information about their services, call (585) 388-8686 or visit their website.
