
The thyroid is a gland that regulates numerous bodily functions by producing certain hormones. If this gland is overactive in producing hormones, hyperthyroidism occurs. Understanding this condition is crucial to receiving the proper health care, while also managing your lifestyle and symptoms accordingly. Here are a few important points to keep in mind after a diagnosis. 

What's the Difference Between Hyperthyroidism and Hypothyroidism?

Hyperthyroidism can occur for a few reasons. It's often linked to other medical conditions, such as Graves' disease. This illness causes your immune system to release antibodies that trigger the thyroid to produce more hormones than it would normally. Growths on the thyroid can cause the same issues, as can thyroiditis, which is when the gland becomes inflamed. Symptoms of hyperthyroidism include weight loss, rapid heartbeat, irritability, increased appetite, fatigue, problems sleeping, and thinning hair. 

There's also hypothyroidism, which means the gland does not produce enough hormones. Hashimoto's disease, another autoimmune disorder, is a common cause of underactive thyroid. With this illness, the immune system attacks the body, which results in the thyroid producing fewer hormones. Symptoms include weight gain, tiredness, muscle weakness, puffiness, constipation, and sensitivity to cold temperatures. 

How Are Thyroid Issues Commonly Treated?

health care

Your health care provider will perform an exam and tests to determine the best treatment for hyperthyroidism. Certain medications can prevent the gland from overproducing hormones, while radioactive iodine can help reduce inflammation. Some people take high blood pressure medication to prevent rapid heartbeats. Surgery is another option, during which the majority of the gland is removed. 

As for hypothyroidism, synthetic hormones can be provided to support bodily functions. As hormones build back to normal levels, symptoms will also decrease. Because certain foods and medications can prevent the body from absorbing the synthetic hormones, your doctor will recommend certain lifestyle changes to ensure the treatment is successful. 


When in need of comprehensive health care for thyroid dysfunction, you can trust in the treatment provided by Carolina Doctors Med Care. Dr. Surinder Dhawan, MD, and the rest of the team are truly invested in the care of their patients, and make it a point to treat every person with compassion. While they specialize in internal medicine, they also provide primary and urgent care. Please call (919) 774-3680 to schedule an appointment at their Sanford, NC clinic. You can also visit them online for the complete listing of medical services. 
