
Heart palpitations can be distressing for many people. While this common condition is not always a cause for alarm, it’s important to know the difference between benign palpitations and the symptoms of a heart attack or underlying condition. The following information can help you determine whether you need to see a health care specialist.

Causes of Heart Palpitations

Heart palpitations are characterized by a feeling that your heart is skipping beats, beating too fast, or fluttering. While these sensations can be alarming, in most cases palpitations have relatively innocuous causes. Exercising too much, menstruation, drinking too much coffee or other caffeinated beverages, and anxiety attacks can all result in palpitations. Moderation or a minor lifestyle change might be all that is needed.

health careSome people are more prone to palpitations than others. Because they can be caused by hormonal changes, pregnant women often experience them. People with anxiety disorders are also at greater risk, as are those who experience stress on a regular basis. Additionally, if you have a cold and are taking certain over-the-counter medicines, such as those containing pseudoephedrine, you may experience changes to your heart rhythm.

When to Seek Help

While in most cases heart palpitations alone don’t require urgent treatment by a health care professional, it’s important to know when to seek emergency care. When they are accompanied by chest pain, shortness of breath, fainting, and dizziness, you could be experiencing a heart attack. In this case, going to the emergency room is crucial.

You can also undergo cardiac testing if you’re concerned about your risk. Your doctor may recommend a Holter monitor, which is a device that measures the rhythm of your heart. While wearing the monitor during your daily activities, your heart rate will be recorded, and your doctor will then study the results. Monitors are usually worn for a period of 24 to 48 hours. If you’ve cut back on your daily coffee and tried meditation but are still concerned about variations in your heartbeat, speak to your health care specialist. Gaining insight about the problem might in and of itself improve your symptoms and leave you feeling healthier every day.


Carolina Doctors Med Care helps residents of Sanford, NC, understand their heart health. This trusted health care clinic provides Holter monitoring to patients so they can get to the bottom of any symptoms they’re experiencing. In terms of diagnostic testing, they offer digital imaging, testing of lung function, allergy testing, and lab services. You can rest assured of accurate and timely test results, which will allow you to seek the best treatment for your needs. Schedule an appointment by calling (919) 774-3680 or visit their walk-in clinic for urgent care services. You can also visit them online to see the complete listing of services.
