
Toothaches are a common oral health issue that can be caused by many factors. Some aches are mild and brief, while others may be intense and come in waves. Notify a dentist if you're in pain so that they can determine the cause and provide relief. Here are a few possibilities for why you're experiencing this problem.

Why You Have a Toothache

1. Tooth Decay

Mouth bacteria feed on the sugars and carbohydrates you eat, creating acids that erode the protective enamel layer. They'll eventually reach the sensitive dentin beneath, causing inflammation, oral sensitivity, and a toothache.


A dentist will provide you with a remineralizing toothpaste to revitalize the enamel and combat the bacteria. If there's extensive decay, they'll remove the infected dentin and replace it with a filling. Until the appointment, manage pain by applying a cold compress or swishing saltwater to fight inflammation.

2. Shifting

Your teeth will shift out of alignment as the wisdom teeth erupt. The teeth will fight for space, and you'll feel discomfort as more pressure is applied to the teeth's roots.

A dentist can perform a routine procedure to extract the wisdom teeth and alleviate the pain. If needed, they'll also provide orthodontic care to realign your smile.

3. Chips

Chewing ice, biting a popcorn kernel, and sustaining an impact during a sports match can chip or fracture a tooth. These injuries create an opening for bacteria, infiltrating the tooth’s core and nerve chamber.

Fortunately, there are many cosmetic solutions to restore the tooth. For example, a dental bond consists of sculpted resin that restores the shape of a chipped tooth. Your dentist may also apply a sealant to cover a small fissure.


If you have a toothache, turn to Nelson Hatanaka D.D.S., in Honolulu, HI. Dr. Hatanaka and his team have provided comprehensive dental care since 1983. They'll assess your mouth to determine the cause of your discomfort, then perform a filling, cleaning, or extraction to remedy the issue. Call (808) 395-1922 to get more information about their services or schedule an appointment.
