You know that brushing, flossing, and going for routine dental cleanings promote oral wellness. However, when it comes to keeping your teeth healthy, avoiding certain behaviors is just as important as maintaining a strong dental care routine. Here are a few everyday habits that could wind up damaging your enamel.
What Dental Habits Should You Avoid?
1. Brushing Too Hard
Brushing in the morning and evening is an important dental cleaning habit for eliminating plaque that could lead to cavities if left unaddressed. However, brushing too hard could actually have a damaging effect by wearing away enamel and leaving teeth more vulnerable. Use a light touch while brushing and use a toothbrush with soft bristles to prevent erosion.
2. Chewing on Objects
Chewing on ice, pencils, or other objects can cause issues like chips or fractures. Enamel is strong, but sometimes other materials are harder. Consider sipping chilled beverages through a straw, and keep pencils out of reach when you’re not using them to resist the temptation to chew.
3. Biting Your Nails
Some people bite their nails when they’re nervous, and others do so when they’re deep in thought. Unfortunately, nails are hard and can damage your teeth. Chewing sugar-free gum may work as a distraction. If you still can’t stop, consider painting your nails with a clear, bitter-tasting polish.
4. Grinding Your Teeth
Teeth grinding is a common behavior that often occurs at night in people who are stressed. Over time, it puts pressure on the teeth and can wear enamel away. A dentist can fit you for a mouthguard for a temporary fix. Finding ways to address your stress, such as journaling or pursuing talk therapy, may be long-term resolutions to consider.
5. Snacking Frequently
Eating small meals may help you feel full throughout the day and keep you energized. Try to avoid snacking around the clock. Each time you eat, you introduce bacteria in the mouth, which cling to teeth and can create decay-causing plaque until you clear it away during your next dental cleaning. Try to enjoy three filling square meals, or five smaller ones at the most.
By avoiding the tips above, practicing strong home care, and receiving routine dental cleanings from the office of Nelson Hatanaka, D.D.S., you can maintain healthy teeth and gums. This family dentistry practice in Honolulu, HI, welcomes patients of all ages and offers a wide range of services, including preventive and emergency care. Request an appointment by calling (808) 395-1922.