
When traveling and relaxing on vacation, it can be easy to forget about proper dental hygiene and excellent dental care. Don’t let your next getaway leave you or your child with a loose filling or new cavity. Follow these three tips to keep your family on track with their oral health goals and prevent an emergency visit to the dentist while away.

How to Care for Your Family’s Smiles While Traveling

1. Carry Supplies

Get a small carrying case and fill it with tooth-related hygiene essentials. You can find travel-sized products at your local drugstore or online. Keep these supplies in your purse, backpack, or carry-on, so they’re easy to access for a quick brush after meals.

2. Use a Disposable Toothbrush

dentistA toothbrush with wet bristles becomes a perfect host for microbe bacteria, especially if it’s placed in a bag or covered with a lid. Encourage your family to use disposable toothbrushes while you’re away to prevent reintroducing bacteria into their mouths while brushing. If you’re concerned about creating additional plastic waste, pick up eco-friendly options at the drugstore.

3. Visit the Dentist Before You Leave

If your child is experiencing a toothache or a loose crown, have it addressed by their dentist before you leave. Taking care of the issue before the trip prevents the likelihood of the condition worsening and creating a dental emergency while you’re gone. Additionally, some issues, like cavities and loose fillings, can create jaw pain when flying and rising in elevation.


If you want more dental care tips for your trip, contact Nelson Hatanaka D.D.S., in Honolulu, HI. This dentist offers flexible office hours to fit your busy schedule, allowing you to squeeze in an appointment for the family before departing. View the practice’s full list of services online, or call (808) 395-1922 to schedule an appointment.
