
Enchiladas are a staple of Latin American cuisine. Although similar to burritos, corn tortillas are typically used to make enchiladas. They are also smothered in sauce, cheese, and other toppings. When perusing the menu the next time you dine at a Mexican restaurant, below are a few fun anecdotes you can share with dining companions about the history of enchiladas. 

Eye-Opening Facts About the History of Enchiladas

Roots Date Back to the Aztec Empire

The earliest form of an enchilada was first described in Spanish conquistador Bernal Díaz del Castillo’s book “Historia verdadera de la conquista de la Nueva España”, published in 1576. In it, he recalls visiting Tenochtitlán, the capital of the Aztec Empire, in 1519. He witnessed King Moctezuma II and his guests feast on a variety of fare, including tortillas with eggs and other fillings.

Spanish Invasion Led to Modifications

Amelia-Cincinnati-Ohio-enchiladasIn 1521, Spanish forces led by conquistador Hernán Cortés invaded and conquered the Aztec Empire. The Spaniards preferred some of the local cuisines. Enchiladas were popular because they could be eaten on the go. The Spanish made modifications to the original dish, adding meat fillings and spicy sauces to raise the flavor profile.  

Annexation Brought Enchiladas to America

In the 1840s, multiple western territories were annexed to the United States, including Texas and California. Mexican cuisine was popular throughout the Southwest region. As people migrated to and from the area, they took recipes for enchiladas and other Latin cuisine with them. Starting with the “Centennial Buckeye Cook Book in 1876, the dish started appearing in regional cookbooks.


If you’re suddenly craving enchiladas or more authentic Mexican food, visit Don Rigo. With locations in Amelia and Cincinnati, OH, the restaurant is known for their flavorful, fresh cuisine, which patrons can pair with margaritas and other expertly crafted cocktails. To ask about menu items and happy hour specials, call (513) 718-0035. View the complete selection online and keep up with announcements on Facebook.
