
A vertebral compression fracture occurs when one of your vertebrae is compressed, cracking it. This is a painful condition, and the compression can cause the affected vertebra to lose height, as it is being pushed inward. This is common in seniors due to age-related bone loss, and working with a chiropractor can help you manage the symptoms and promote your body's natural healing process. Below is more information about this condition and how to identify it.

What Are Some Common Causes?

Often, vertebral compression fractures are caused by decreased bone density. While bone loss is a normal part of the aging process, it can eventually develop into osteoporosis. This is categorized as loss of bone mass, and it reduces the structural integrity of your bones, causing them to become brittle and more easily broken.

Some less common causes of this fracture include trauma to the spine, such as injuries sustained during a car accident. Also, a tumor developing on the vertebrae may lead to a fracture. Typically, bone metastasis and multiple myeloma are the types of cancers associated with these tumors.

What Are the Types of Fractures? 


While all fractures cause one of the vertebrae to crack, there are several categories of this condition. For example, a wedge fracture occurs when a vertebra collapses in the front of the spine. With the back of the vertebrae intact, it takes on a wedge shape. A crush fracture, on the other hand, involves the collapse of both the front and back of the vertebra. 

Often, bone loss doesn't produce any immediate symptoms until a fracture occurs. For example, with both wedge and crush fractures, you may notice sharp, chronic back pain. The discomfort may also subside when you lay down and grow more intense while walking and standing. Since both wedge and crush fractures affect the height of vertebrae, they may also make you appear shorter or hunched.

How Can Chiropractic Care Help?

After stabilizing a fracture, a chiropractor can provide controlled adjustments to relieve pressure on the spine and reduce stress on the affected vertebrae. These adjustments help promote healing because they improve blood flow to the affected area, allowing oxygen and nutrients to repair the damaged bone and tissue. A chiropractor can also provide ice and heat therapy to reduce inflammation, and they may even give you a list of low-impact exercises to strengthen your back, giving the spine more support. 


If you are dealing with chronic back pain and believe it may be a vertebral compression fracture, contact Alpha And Omega Chiropractor in Ruidoso, NM. This chiropractor takes a holistic approach to treating bone loss and back pain. For over 10 years, they have been helping people overcome discomfort stemming from herniated discs, pinched nerves, and sciatica. Call (575) 258-5999 to make an appointment, and visit the website to learn more about their services.
