4 Basic Stretches to Help Reduce Lower Back Pain
Whether it's due to working a desk job or overdoing it at the gym, most people experience lower back pain at some point in their lives, but ongoing symptoms can be irritating and affect your everyday routine. Fortunately, daily stretching can help provide relief. Here are some of the best stretches for easing pain in the lower back.
A Guide to Stretches for Lower Back Pain
1. Cobra Pose
This beginner’s yoga pose is a great way to stretch out the spine and chest and loosen tight muscles in the lower back. Cobra pose starts on the stomach with palms resting beside the head and arms bent and flat on the ground. Inhale slowly as you lift yourself up from the head to the waist, keeping your hips down. Try to hold the pose for at least 10 seconds. Once you return to the original position, give it three to five more tries.
2. Knee-to-Chest
Knee-to-chest exercises relieve lower back pain while strengthening the muscles. The stretch begins on the back, knees bent and feet flat on the ground. Clasp your hands together underneath your right knee, then carefully pull your leg towards your chest until you feel a stretch, holding for 30 seconds. You can then ease your knee down and do the same with the left leg. The knee-to-chest exercise is most effective when repeated with both legs at least two more times.
3. Cat-Cow Pose
The cat-cow stretch is a popular sequence of yoga poses that releases tension in the core and lower back, increases flexibility, and soothes upper and lower back pain. Cat pose starts on the hands and knees, with knees a hip-width apart, back arched, and head down. Try to maintain this pose for 10 seconds, then return to the original position. To achieve a cow pose, tilt your head up and let your pelvis curve downward for another 10 seconds. For optimal results, the sequence can be repeated 20 times.
4. Supported Bridge
For this stretch, find a foam roller, rolled towel, or firm cushion. The added support and elevation will help decompress your back. While lying down, have your feet planted flat on the floor, knees bent. Lift your hips enough to place your support tool of choice underneath them. Allow your body to relax completely, relying on the support to hold you up. Try to keep this up for 30 to 60 seconds, rest, and then repeat three to five times.
If you need professional help to address lower back pain, reach out to Alpha And Omega Chiropractor in Ruidoso, NM. Serving patients throughout the Lincoln County area for over 15 years, this practice offers a variety of natural, drug-free solutions for problems such as back and neck pain, sciatica, headaches, and carpal tunnel. Their skilled team of chiropractors is dedicated to finding and correcting the cause of your pain, not just the symptoms. Visit their website to learn more about their services. To schedule your first appointment, call (575) 258-5999 today.