
If you want to attract deer to a particular area for hunting, planting a food plot is a great way to coax them out of hiding. However, you should do some research beforehand to make sure you set your plot up properly and plant the right foods for your location. Here are a few points you should keep in mind before heading to the feed store to start your wildlife food plot. 

A Guide to Fall Wildlife Food Plots  

How Do Plots Work? 

Deer are foraging animals that move frequently in search of food. If you want to attract them for harvesting or  watching, you can use a food plot to draw them into a particular area. Plots are deliberately planted with different types of seeds, mainly for brassicas and cereal grains. 


What Ingredients Are Best? 

Planting cool season food plots with a mixture of cereal grains, brassicas and clovers can provide deer with quality forage during times of nutritional stress. A cool season combination that does well in the south is a mixture of oats, wheat, turnips, rape, austrian winter peas, and clover. Oats and wheat will germinate and grow quickly to insure quality forage is available during the hunting season. Brassicas are hardy plants that can survive frost and low temperatures. Clover seed will germinate, growing slowly until late winter.

feed store


Where Should You Plant? 

Before heading to a feed store to get supplies, you should think carefully about the location of your feed plot. Heavily wooded areas near water sources, such as lakes or streams, are ideal. Avoid agricultural areas since there will be other crops that deer may be drawn to outside of your plot. 

Food Plot Maintenance

With weather-resistant plants, you won't have to do much to keep your plot in good shape. However, you may need to reseed every once in a while to help it grow and make sure the area receives enough water and sunlight. 

To determine how well your food plot is growing (and being used) create an exclosure. A simple 3 x 4 box made with 2x4 welded wire is placed on your field of seed. Secure to ground with weight or landscaping staples. As your crop grows inside the exclosure you'll soon be able to see if the food plot is getting much activity.


If you need to get seeds for your wildlife food plot, visit Gregg Farm Services. This Baxter, AR, feed store has been in business since 1975. They carry an array of farming supplies, seeds, equipment, and animal products. See what they have to offer online or call them at (870) 481-5165 with any questions. 
