The more often you use your bicycle, the more quickly it will wear down. To extend the life of the bike, it’s crucial to practice regular maintenance. As the premier rental and repair shop in the Dobbs Ferry, NY, area, the team at Endless Trail Bikeworx says bicycle upkeep is relatively simple. Here, they discuss three best practices.
3 Ways to Care for Your Bike
1. Lubricate It Often
When you ride your bike, the parts rub against each other, creating friction and causing wear and tear. Avoid issues by lubricating the parts frequently, especially the chain. If you only use the bicycle once in a while, oil it every few months. If you use it every day, lubricate the components on a monthly basis.
2. Pump Your Tires Regularly
Your bike’s tires will lose air over time, making it tough to ride comfortably and safely. Check them on a monthly basis to make sure the pressure is correct. Simply wrap your fingers around the circumference of the rubber and gently squeeze. If there is tension, your tires are still in good shape. If there is little to no tension, they need more air.
3. Protect It From the Elements
Bicycles are made up of wiring, metal, rubber, and a few additional materials, and the external elements can take a toll on these components. Water is one of the biggest concerns when it comes to storing bikes outside. Over time, it will corrode the metal, resulting in rust. To protect your ride, either store your bike indoors or cover it with a tarp when it’s outside.
Regular maintenance will ensure your bike lasts for years. The technicians at Endless Trail Bikeworx are specially trained in repairs and upkeep and will help you extend the life span of your ride. If you need a new bicycle or want to rent one, they offer a large inventory and have something for everyone. Visit their website or call (914) 674-8567 to learn more.