
Artist highlights Blind Boone in New Columbia Mural


See Our New Mural on the side of our building. (Courtesy of KOMU)

COLUMBIA - With every paint stroke, artist David Spear added another note to his musical mural. 

“Just grays and whites, right now,” Spear said while working on the initial phase of the mural.

 “I gridded the whole wall off by 3 foot sections.”  At the building located on North College Avenue in Columbia, Spear is composing something special. 

“I presented [the owner] this idea and he really liked it,” Spear said. “If Columbia’s going to have an iconic personality, a figure, I think he’s a pretty good one. He overcame a lot of obstacles.”

Spear’s painting local pianist J.W. Blind Boone. ..


Click here to see more on the painting and about Blind Boone, Ragtime Columbia musician.
