
Traffic laws are in place for the protection of drivers and passersby. Neglecting to adhere to the rules of the road could result in a speeding citation and a hefty fine. Understanding how this could affect your record might reveal when to work with a traffic violation attorney and when to just pay the ticket. Take a closer look at the following answered questions to determine the best route forward. 

4 FAQ About Traffic Citations

What is a moving violation? 

A moving violation is one that occurs while the vehicle is in motion, such as speeding or running through a red light. Non-moving violations are ones that usually involve parking infractions, like blocking a fire hydrant. The fine will depend on the state where it occurs as well as the level of risk it presents to others. 

How do points work with a speeding citation? 

traffic violation attorney

Your license accumulates points every time you’re convicted of a violation. The amount will depend on the number of recurrences and severity of the case. These will remain on the record for three years. If you make it a year with no further incidents, then the points will drop by one-third. After two years, the remaining total will be cut in half and the rest will completely disappear by the third year.  

Should I just pay the ticket?

It depends on what’s currently on record. If your license receives eight points within an 18-month span, then the court will likely suspend your license for 30 days. Drivers who accumulate 12 points within a 12-month range will lose all driving privileges for an entire year. Choosing to fight the charges with a traffic violation attorney instead of accepting guilt could lower the sentence and prevent losing your license. 

How else can I avoid getting points on my license? 

You could volunteer to participate in a Driver Improvement Program (DIP). The course will last anywhere from four to 12 hours and cover traffic laws and violations, defensive driving techniques, and how to share the road with others. The court could see this as a commitment to safety and agree to take the points off the table.


If you’ve received a speeding citation, reach out to the Law Office of Mike Hamilton in Columbia, MO. This local lawyer has nearly 20 years as a traffic violation attorney and understands the intricacies of arguing his client’s case. He offers a one-on-one approach and will carefully assess the charges to determine the best approach. Call (573) 875-5698 to schedule a free initial consultation or visit his website for additional information on all that this attorney has to offer. 

The choice of a lawyer is an important decision and should not be based solely upon advertisements.
