
For nature lovers, there’s no better way to spend summertime than to visit a local wildlife conservation park and checkout the incredible flora and fauna. That’s something you can easily find in Clayton, GA, with help from the experienced staff at Mountain Aire Cottages & Inn. Committed to offering you a comfortable stay during your trip, the motel shares some local wildlife species you should check out.

Motel’s Guide to Summer Wildlife in Clayton

Aquatic Life

Georgia is home to some fascinating aquatic species, many of which can be found in Clayton’s freshwater channels. Those who love fishing will be particularly delighted to find an incredible variety of trout, bass, pickerel, and crappie in local lakes and creeks. Home to Lake Burton, the town is much loved by local fishing enthusiasts for the exciting expeditions it has to offer. If you have your kids accompanying you, find out from the area’s leading motel about locations that are ideally suited for their fishing needs.


MotelAnyone with the love and knowledge of hunting will especially find the local waterfowl population an inviting reason to visit the town. Game hunters particularly love visiting this Georgia location in search of ducks and geese that frequent local water channels. The area’s leading vacation rental does remind hunters to make permit arrangements before they finalize their travel plans.


Clayton’s deer population may be of particular interest for individuals who have considerable expertise in hunting. Deer hunting season begins around early fall in Clayton, so you can utilize the time in between to get your license in order. Gather your shotguns and other hunting equipment and get ready to explore some of the largest deer populations on the East Coast.

Should you need any further guidance about local summer wildlife, turn to the experienced staff at Mountain Aire Cottages & Inn. Learn more about the suites and vacation rentals this motel has to offer by calling (706) 782-9568 or visiting their website.
