
When you sneeze and experience nasal congestion, headaches, and fatigue, it’s easy to realize you’re on the verge of getting sick. However, these shared symptoms make it difficult to know what you’re up against. The common cold, allergies, and sinus infections can be similar, which is why the staff at Lexington Family Physicians in Lexington, NC, want to share the distinguishing factors. This will help you and your physician treat it correctly and address any underlying risk factors.


physician The common cold is something many people experience once a year. Unlike allergies, it’s a virus, which can be a cause of sinus infections. It’s easy to catch, typically in public places. Common symptoms include sore throat, stuffy nose, fatigue, headache, and fever, especially in children. There’s no cure, but side effects are manageable with rest, fluids, and over-the-counter medications, like cough suppressants and decongestants. It typically takes around 10 days to go away, so speak with your physician if it goes longer.


Allergic reactions are the body's responses to environmental irritants. It can range from pet dander to pollen, and histamines released by your immune system are used to fight them. Unlike the cold, allergies typically affect the eyes and throat. Secondary side effects like coughing, sneezing, and nasal congestion are shared and can be ongoing if exposure to the allergen isn’t reduced. They’re seasonal for many people and are typically treatable with antihistamines. However, some allergies are fatal, which is why you should get tested.

Sinus Infections

Sinus infections occur when your nasal passage becomes infected. They can be caused by viruses, bacteria, or allergens, though rarely the cold. A stuffed or runny nose is the most common symptom, although constant headaches are also prominent. The discharge is what makes a sinus infection most identifiable. Unlike allergies or the cold, it will be thick and yellow or green. Most sinus infections always require medical treatment, so speak with your physician if you experience symptoms for more than a few days.

Tackling these issues right away will help you achieve the best results, so don’t delay a trip to your physician. If you need assistance, turn to Lexington Family Physicians. They offer a variety of services ranging from gynecology to heart health and are committed to keeping their patients healthy. Call (336) 249-3329 to schedule an appointment, and visit the website and Facebook page to learn more.
