
A vertebral compression fracture typically results from osteoporosis and means a vertebral bone in the spine has lost some of its height. These fractures can create upper, middle, and lower back pain and commonly occur in people with severe osteoporosis. They are often caused by simple motions, such as lifting a medium-heavy box or stepping out of a bathtub. Learn more about vertebral compression fractures here, including different types and symptoms.

A Guide to Vertebral Compression Fractures


Spinal compression fractures include wedge fractures where the bone in the front of the vertebra collapses, but the back of the vertebra remains intact, creating a wedge shape. Other types include crush fractures where the entire vertebra collapses and burst fractures that cause height reductions in both the front and back of the vertebra, often resulting in spinal instability.

lower back pain

Anyone with osteoporosis can sustain these types of fractures because their bones no longer produce new tissue efficiently. Bones become weak and brittle as a result, making fractures and other breaks more likely.


Acute back pain can signal a vertebral compression fracture. Since the fracture can occur anywhere on the spine, you might feel upper, middle, or lower back pain. Discomfort typically intensifies when you stand or walk and decreases when you lie on your back. You may also experience decreased spinal mobility and height loss since the spine is no longer as tall.

Persistent, untreated backpain can also result in mobility-related disabilities and severe spinal curvature, sometimes known as a dowager's hump. Muscle loss and lowered cardiovascular health are also common from a pain-related sedentary lifestyle.

How a Chiropractor Help

Chiropractic care for vertebral spinal fractures includes braces that keep the spine relatively immobile to help promote healing and reduce middle or lower back pain. The chiropractor might discuss ways to strengthen the bones, such as low-impact exercises, tobacco abstinence, and bone-healthy foods. 

In extreme cases, the chiropractor may refer you to a specialist for surgery. Vertebroplasty is a common surgical treatment for vertebral spinal fractures where bone cement is injected into the affected vertebra for fortification purposes.


If you believe you have a vertebral compression fracture, contact Randy R. Collins, D.C., Inc. in Honolulu, HI. Since 1979, the chiropractor has treated middle and lower back pain among other issues, including sciatica, so residents throughout the region can enjoy life with less or no pain. Call (808) 839-7474 today to make an appointment or learn more about chiropractic care services online
