
While upper and middle back pain is not as common as an ache in the lower region, it can be as troublesome. While many factors can contribute to this issue, knowing the body's anatomy can help you understand how this issue occurs. The following guide explains more about this condition and how to prevent it.

Overview of the Spine

The upper and middle back, also known as the thoracic spine, consists of 12 vertebrae. They are attached to the rib cage and are the longest portion of the back. The region also has discs between each vertebra that function as shock absorbers during movement. Various muscles and ligaments surround the area to hold it together. The spine helps keep your back stable and works with the ribs to protect your internal organs.


middle back pain

One of the reasons upper and middle back pain is becoming more common is due to a poor posture that occurs while sitting at a computer all day. When the head moves forward and out of alignment with the spine, it puts pressure on these areas of the back. You can also injure this area during workouts if you excessively strain the body.

Carrying heavy purses and laptop bags can also contribute to this pain. Because most people only hold these usually heavy items on one side, it can cause a muscular imbalance. Finally, medical conditions such as osteoarthritis, scoliosis, and gallbladder disease can also affect the upper and middle back.

Prevention & Treatment Options

If you work long hours at a desk and the pain is due to poor posture, arrange your workspace more ergonomically. A standing desk can provide relief and proper positioning of the computer. Exercises that stretch the muscles in the front of the neck and chest can strengthen the upper and middle back and improve posture. 

When the vertebrae are out of alignment, they pull on muscles and pressure nerves, resulting in discomfort. A chiropractor can assist by realigning your thoracic spine to relieve any aches since they can pinpoint the problem. For mild pain relief, over-the-counter medications, like ibuprofen and acetaminophen, and heat and ice therapy can help reduce inflammation. 


If you're experiencing upper or middle back pain, contact Randy R. Collins, DC, Inc. for chiropractic adjustment and relief. Located in Honolulu, HI, the team has been serving patients since 1979, including members of the PGA. After an initial evaluation, you'll receive a customized treatment plan that will address all of your concerns and leave you feeling rejuvenated. Call (808) 839-7474 to schedule an appointment. 
