
When you have a job that requires you to sit down for hours on end, it’s important to be proactive in preserving your spinal health. Remaining sedentary for an extended period of time places extra pressure on the vertebrae, which can lead to disc degeneration and serious lower back pain. Fortunately, there are several ways to reduce the harmful effects of prolonged sitting. Here are a few steps you can take to improve your condition. 

How to Relieve Back Pain if You Sit Too Long 

1. Create an Ergonomic Workspace

Using proper office ergonomics will help support the natural curve of your body and alleviate stress on your spine. Consider investing in a sit-stand desk that allows you to alternate positions throughout the day. You should also have an ergonomically-friendly desk chair with lumbar support. Adjust the seat so your elbows can rest at a 90-degree angle and the lumbar support fits into the curve of your lower back. 

lower back pain

2. Take Frequent Breaks

Every so often, get up out of your seat and walk around for several minutes. This will help take some of the tension off your spine and encourage blood flow to the muscles. Doing various stretches can also keep the muscles limber and flexible so they don’t put unnecessary strain on your back. Set a reminder to take a break every few hours so it becomes part of your workday routine. 

3. Practice Good Posture

Poor posture is a leading cause of lower back pain. Slouching will make your shoulders and spine curve unnaturally, putting excessive pressure on the discs, ligaments, and muscles in your back. Good posture releases this pressure by keeping the spine in proper alignment. When sitting, make sure your back is straight, your shoulders are pushed back, and your feet are resting flat on the floor. 

4. Schedule Regular Chiropractic Adjustments 

Getting a chiropractic adjustment is generally the quickest and most effective way to lessen lower back pain. This non-invasive procedure applies controlled force to the spinal joints, helping to correct the body’s alignment and relieve discomfort. Chiropractors assess the entire musculoskeletal system so they can diagnose and treat the root of the problem. 


If you’re experiencing lower back pain from sitting all day, turn to Randy R. Collins, D.C., Inc. in Honolulu, HI. For more than 40 years, this chiropractic clinic has remained focused on helping patients feel and function their best. This skilled team of health professionals will work with you to create a personalized treatment plan that offers long-lasting relief from your discomfort. Call (808) 839-7474 to schedule a consultation, or visit them online to learn more about their services. 
