A private well offers a clean and dependable supply of water for cooking, cleaning, bathing, and other daily tasks. However, you may notice that your well isn't yielding enough water. Hydrofracking will help the well start producing again, so learn more about this process and its benefits below.
What You Need to Know About Hydrofracking
How does the process work?
Hydrofracking works on wells that pull water from bedrock. During this process, your contractor will insert a seal below the well casing and inject clean water under high pressure into the well causing the fractures and fissures in the bedrock to flush out. This will allow more water to pass through the geological materials and into your well.
What are the benefits?
Hydrofracking cleans your well and increases production. It's effective on both new and existing well systems, and it's often much more affordable than drilling a new well on your property.
What wells qualify?
Wells that are at least 150’ away from another well (In NJ) and are already deep enough are candidates for Hydro Fracking.
Are permits required?
Depending on where your water well is located, you might need to get a permit from the town or county before your hydrofracking appointment. Your contractor will take care of any permits if required.
Increase the flow of water to your well with hydrofracking from Henderson Well & Pump Co. in Vernon, NJ. For over 60 years, this contractor has provided water well repairs, inspections, cleaning, and treatment to clients throughout the Tri-State area. Visit their website to learn more about how they can help you revive an old water well on your property, or call (973) 764-7240 to request a quote for hydrofracking and book an appointment.