Karate classes provide a variety of physical and psychological benefits. This martial art offers a total body workout, improved mental focus, and a greater sense of self-confidence. As you progress through karate lessons, you’ll earn different belts as you master certain techniques and reach specific milestones. Below, you’ll find a guide to the belt system and the meanings of their colors.
Your Guide to the Karate Belt System
White to Orange
When you first start karate lessons, you’ll wear a white belt, which signifies the initiate’s blank slate. Once you learn necessary skills and gain control over the energy of your body, you’ll earn your yellow belt, which symbolizes a beam of sunlight or a ray of hope. As you learn punches, kicks, and blocks, and you show real dedication to the martial arts, you’ll receive an orange belt, which represents the sun’s strength.
Green to Blue
When you reach an intermediate skill level in karate, you’ll earn your green belt, which represents growth. As you deepen your practice and know all stances, blocks, punches, and kicks, you’ll get your blue belt, which symbolizes reaching toward the sky.
Purple to Brown
Purple is the color associated with wisdom. You’ll earn a belt in this color as you reach the advanced stages of your karate training, which include knowing how to execute hooks, uppercuts, and spin kicks. Brown symbolizes the ripening skill of a more mature karate practitioner, such as mastering jiu-jitsu grabs, which is why you’ll get a belt in this color next.
Red to Black
Red is the color of power and strength. When you earn a red belt, it means your advanced karate knowledge and skillset makes you proficient in this martial art. Once you completely master the physical movements and philosophical aspects of karate, you’ll get your black belt, which stands for the darkness beyond the sun.
When you’re ready to start learning karate, enroll in lessons at Shito-Kai Ohio. They offer martial arts programs to children and adults throughout West Chester, OH. Call (513) 860-4386 to sign up for Shito-Ryu karate, Kobudo weapons training, or competition classes. Visit the website to learn more about how they can help you become a master of the martial arts.