
A criminal conviction can come with stiff penalties and a lifelong stigma. If you're facing charges, hire an experienced lawyer to preserve your rights and tackle the allegations. The first step will be to design a criminal defense plan with your attorney. Here are three of the more common types of legal strategies.

3 Criminal Defense Options

1. Duress

A defense of duress can be used in cases where an accused individual was forced or coerced by another into committing the crime. Compelling evidence must exist that you were made to perform the unlawful action at the urging of another person. This strategy can be used in any criminal matter except for murder, attempted murder, or related charges, such as accessory to murder.

2. Self-Defense

criminal defenseSelf-defense is used in cases where the other party was killed or seriously injured. By claiming self-defense, you are telling the judge and jury your life, the life of a loved one, or your property was in direct danger and had to be protected. But the defense should be on par with the crime. For example, if you shot someone because they looked untrustworthy while walking across your lawn, a claim of self-defense won’t hold up. Imminent danger must be present.

3. Insanity

To use insanity as a criminal defense, there must be demonstrable evidence you were not in your right mind when the crime was committed. This can be difficult to prove. Professionals who work in psychology need to diagnose you and analyze your life, history, and medical records. In many cases, those found not guilty by reason of insanity are sent to psychiatric institutions, so freedom is not assured with an insanity plea.


Hire an attorney to protect your rights. To explore possibilities for your criminal defense, contact the Law Offices of Drew F. Davis in Cameron, MO. For over two decades, Attorney Davis has represented residents in northwest Missouri in a variety of legal situations. Call (816) 632-7575 or visit the law firm online to make an appointment today.
