
To maintain self-confidence as you go about your day, it’s natural to be concerned about your overall appearance, particularly when it comes to your face and neck. If you are feeling self-conscious about a sagging neck, many people find relief in a neck lift. Here’s what you should know about this common cosmetic issue before you undergo surgery.

Understanding the Causes of Sagging Neck & Your Treatment Options

What Causes Sagging Neck?

Neck LiftLoose and sagging skin around the neck is often genetic or a natural result of the aging process that’s caused by gravity. In some patients, however, a sagging neck can also be due to rapid weight loss or weight fluctuations throughout your lifetime. Excessive sun exposure can also lead to a sagging neck, especially in individuals who don’t wear sunscreen or utilize tanning beds on a regular basis. 

When Do Men & Women Typically Show Signs?

Men and women generally notice sagging skin on their neck in their 40s. It’s during this period that skin starts to lose its natural elasticity. If you have recently lost a significant amount of body weight or your neck has been exposed to Ultraviolet rays regularly, this cosmetic issue could begin earlier in life. 

How Can a Neck Lift Help?

A neck lift is a cosmetic procedure performed by a plastic surgeon. This surgery specifically targets loose and saggy skin by trimming and lifting the area and removing or tightening neck muscles. Depending on the condition of your neck, your surgeon may recommend liposuction in advance of the procedure to remove excess fat. The result is a youthful neckline that lasts upwards of a decade. 


If you’re considering a neck lift, trust Mao Facial Plastic Surgery, led by the triple board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Mao, for assistance. They have established a top-notch reputation throughout the greater Orange, CT, area for providing patients with expert care in a state-of-the-art facility. If you’re looking for an experienced, yet caring surgeon that specializes in a wide range of cosmetic procedures, call their office today at (203) 907-0501 to schedule a consultation. For a better understanding of the surgeries they offer, from neck lifts and brow lifts to rhinoplasties, as well as potential recovery times, visit their website
