
Dental implants restore the function and appearance of your smile. Whether you need to replace a lost tooth or have an artificial one that requires additional support, this procedure is an effective way to do so. The guide below addresses any safety-related concerns that may be keeping you from scheduling a dentist appointment.

How Safe Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are popular because they look natural, backed by decades of successful outcomes. In fact, they have an overall success rate of 95%. Though it is a surgical procedure, modern technologies now streamline the process and minimize complications. Age does not impact safety either, as an older individual only needs to be in good health to be a candidate.

dental implant

Because the materials used to create the implants are also approved by the Food and Drug Administration, you can feel at ease going into the procedure. Common materials include ceramic and titanium, which are popular due to their durability. A dentist will determine the best option based on your unique oral health needs, as some people are allergic to metal alternatives.

What Happens During the Procedure?

Though there are variations to the treatment based on your jaw health, a care team will administer anesthesia to keep you as comfortable as possible. Next, the periodontist will either insert the implant below the gumline or directly into your jawbone. Once placed, they'll use an abutment to fuse the implant to the crown. After the procedure, you're left with a permanent, low-risk solution to your oral health concerns.

Follow your dentist's aftercare instructions to protect the results and prevent rare complications. Avoid washing out the mouth as it can disrupt the surgical site, but maintain proper oral hygiene by brushing twice a day and flossing once. Poor dental care can lead to plaque that causes infections that spread near the implant.


Experience is important when choosing a periodontist to perform a surgical procedure. Implant Center Of Maui in Kahului, HI, has over three decades of experience installing dental implants. They'll help you maintain good oral health and achieve the smile of your dreams. Learn more about their team online, or call (808) 877-3606 to schedule a consultation with a dentist today.
