
Vitamins and minerals are in everything you eat and drink. These fuel your body as you develop. You can't always get the amount you need through diet and taking supplements from a pharmacy is a solution. Here is a helpful guide to which matter most at each age.

Infants & Children

Your baby’s body is developing each day. Infants get most of their nutrients through breast milk and iron-fortified formula for the first four to six months. At nine to 11 months, they rely on food for their nutrients. Vitamin D in egg yolks and fish builds strong bones, and vitamin B12 in animal products promotes brain development.


As they grow, they’ll need calcium from dairy to strengthen bones and vitamins A and B6 for brain health. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends children get them through food. However, your children may have a deficiency and require vitamin supplements from a pharmacy.


Teens need many of the same vitamins as children, including B vitamins, A, and calcium. Vitamin C from citrus and zinc strengthens their immune systems, and iron builds muscle. Folic acid in spinach and dark leafy greens promotes new cell production during teen growth spurts.

Young Adults

Young adulthood is a busy time, and if you spend a lot of time indoors, you may not get enough sunlight. This is the best source of vitamin D, and a supplement from a pharmacy ensures you get enough. Try eating nuts with magnesium to reduce stress and consume calcium-rich dairy if you’re at risk of developing osteoporosis later in life—a condition where your bones rapidly lose mass and become brittle.

Women planning to become pregnant need to increase their vitamin intake to help the fetus develop. An obstetrician will help you explore adding more vitamins A, E, K, thiamin, folate, B12, and calcium to your diet during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. These nutrients contribute to fetal brain health and reduce the risk of birth complications.

Middle Age

Aging adults want to preserve their health. Nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids in fish can reduce inflammation in the body. This may reduce your chances of heart disease. Calcium continues preventing osteoporosis, and vitamin D may reduce your chances of developing cancers and autoimmune disorders.

Older Adults & Seniors

Menopause occurs between ages 45 to 55 when women stop menstruating. Symptoms like hot flashes, mood swings, and insomnia develop from hormonal changes, and vitamins A, B12, D, and B6 will manage them.

Older adults and seniors will need ample amounts of calcium, potassium, and magnesium for the rest of their lives to prevent illnesses. Their bodies won’t absorb them from food as efficiently, and a physician may recommend supplements from a pharmacy.


The staff at Pack Pharmacy will help you find the right supplements for your health needs. This Cincinnati, OH, pharmacy has offered consultations and prescription refill services since 1949. They carry a large selection of wellness products, and you can learn about their services on their website. Call (513) 871-7770 to learn about prescription compounding
