
If you’re in the market for a brand new television, you may want to think about spending a little extra cash on an extended warranty. The electronics experts at Aka’s TV & Electronics encourage buyers to consider an extended warranty so they can enjoy their new TVs for as long as possible.

Warranties ensure that repairs or replacement services are available to you if something happens to your new TV, so they’re an important consideration when making an electronics purchase. In fact, here are three reasons buying an extended warranty is a good idea:

  • Manufacturer’s Warranties Don’t Last: Many TVs and other electronics come with a manufacturer’s warranty, but these don’t last very long. If your new TV stops working properly after the manufacturer’s warranty has expired, an extended warranty will save you from having to shell out extra cash for expensive repairs or a brand new TV altogether.
  • Technology is Ever-Changing: Back in the old days, TVs were able to last upwards of 20 years. These days, technology is changing so much that TVs are bound to be outdated in just a short amount of time. When you purchase a warranty, you’re guaranteed to add a few years to your TV’s shelf life. If not, you may be able to get replacement parts depending on the stipulations included in your extended warranty.
  • Weather Can Be an Issue: While you probably watch TV inside your home, external wiring and surge protectors are at risk in inclement weather, which can be problematic for your TV. When you have an extended warranty, you’re guaranteed repair or replacement services if a weather-related disaster happens to ruin a perfectly good television.

To learn more about warranties, television repair, or flat screen TVs, give Aka’s TV & Electronics a call at (808) 879-5926, or check them out online.
