
To many people, earwax seems like a pesky intrusion that causes irritation and hearing problems. However, small amounts of earwax are necessary for keeping your ears healthy and lubricated. Every once in awhile, it's wise to have your ears cleaned at a hearing evaluation center. This guide explains the benefits and process of doing so. 

What You Should Know About Professional Ear Cleaning 

Why Ears Make Wax 

Earwax serves as a filter for your ears to prevent bacteria, dirt, dust, and other contaminants from entering your ear canal. Generally, wax forms in the outer opening to the ear, gets moved around as you speak and chew your food, and then falls out of the ear when it dries out. Wax buildup can occur if you accidentally push the wax further back into your ear canal since it cannot dry up and fall out. 

Symptoms of Wax Buildup 

hearing evaluation

Too much wax can lead to a variety of problems, such as hearing impairments, ear infections, discomfort, itching, or ringing in the ears. You may be prone to developing an issue with wax if you clean your ears with cotton swabs or any pointy object. Wax is supposed to clear itself out naturally, so in most cases, using a sharp tool to remove it yourself does more harm than good. 

How A Professional Cleaning Works 

A professional at a hearing evaluation center can clean out wax with a suction tool, irrigation, or other small tools. The suction tool gently pulls embedded wax toward the outer part of the ear so that it's no longer stuck in the ear canal. During the irrigation process, the clinician will use a syringe with a mixture of water and hydrogen peroxide to soften wax and flush it out. Finally, there are other small instruments that clinicians may use to carefully coax wax to the outer part of the ear canal where it can safely be extracted. You should have your ears professionally cleaned every 6-12 months for the best results. 


If you have hearing concerns, visit Solbrig Hearing Center in Kerrville, TX. Their knowledgeable audiologists offer ear cleanings, hearing evaluation services, hearing aid fittings, and more. They've helped locals of all ages with hearing concerns for the last 15 years. See what they can do for you online or schedule a consultation by calling (830) 895-5900.

