
Exercise is crucial to any healthy lifestyle. As a sports medicine specialist in Hilo, HI, Peter A. Matsuura, MD, knows the impact vigorous physical activity can have on his patients. He cautions that jumping into a new fitness routine requires a bit of preparation; if you don’t take the right steps, you risk injuring yourself. To ensure your health and safety, he offers a few fitness do’s and don’ts.


Warm Up

Failure to warm up properly increases your risk of sports injuries. Your muscles need to be primed for physical activity, especially if your workouts are particularly intense. Stretching and walking before you begin will loosen tight muscles without overexerting yourself.

Set Realistic Goals

sports medicineAs most sports medicine doctors will tell you, setting realistic fitness goals can prevent injuries from occurring. While you may be eager to see immediate results, refrain from pushing yourself too hard until you’re fully aware of your limitations. Overexertion can cause you to pull a muscle or pinch a nerve, especially if you’re new to fitness and exercise. 


Skimp on Sustenance

For people who are working out for long periods of time — two hours or more — eating right and staying hydrated is crucial. Eat a balanced meal an hour before your workouts. Stick to healthy foods like lean proteins, whole grains, and fruits and vegetables. Drink plenty of water throughout the day to prevent dehydration.  

Compare Yourself to Other People

Refrain from comparing yourself to others around you. Not only can this be demoralizing, but you might also get hurt. A person who’s been involved in fitness for a longer period will be able to push themselves harder, and it might take time for you to get to that level. Everyone must work at their own pace; if you mimic advanced athletes, you can get injured.

With these do’s and don’ts in mind, you can start your fitness regimen right. Along with helping patients strive toward their fitness goals, sports medicine specialist Peter A. Matsuura, MD, also provides orthopedic procedures to get you back on your feet after a sports-related injury. If you’d like to make an appointment in Hilo, call (808) 969-3331 today. You can also visit the website to access a helpful patient support page.
