
Whether the result of food scraps or hair, just about every homeowner will experience a clogged drain sooner or later. While drain cleaning can resolve the issue, letting a clogged drain go unaddressed for too long will put added pressure on your pipes, leading to leaks or a backup. Identifying the early warning signs of clogs below will help you schedule drain cleaning services before more serious repair problems occur.

What Are the Signs of a Clogged Drain?

1. Gurgling Sounds

drain cleaning

Any gurgling or bubbling sounds that you hear as water drains may indicate there's a leak somewhere in the pipes. Depending on the location of the leak, the noises may occur in an adjacent feature to the one you are currently using. For example, the tub drain may gurgle while you are using the bathroom sink.

2. Odors

Pipe clogs will keep water and debris from draining properly. Instead, they will get caught at the source of the clog. 

The trapped water and decomposing debris will produce a foul smell that emanates from the drains in the room. As long as the clog is there, the smell will linger.

3. Slow to Drain

As the clog gets worse, water fixtures will begin to drain slowly. For example, you may find that water starts to fill up in the sink during your morning shave when normally, the water would drain immediately. 

If the problem persists, it could potentially cause the fixture to overflow and lead to water damage. If a household drain snake does not resolve the issue, schedule professional drain cleaning to keep your property in great shape.

Whether you need drain cleaning services or a water softener installation, you can count on H2O Specialists in Kerrville, TX. Serving area residents and businesses since 1999, their expert plumbers provide fast and efficient work to keep everything flowing smoothly. To learn more about their plumbing repair and maintenance services, visit them online or call (830) 895-7575.
