
Hard water refers to water that contains high levels of natural minerals such as calcium and magnesium. While it won’t hurt your health, it does pose a threat to your plumbing system and appliances. H2O Specialists is one of the leading plumbing contractors in Kerrville, TX, and they’re here to discuss how hard water affects your plumbing, and what you can do to resolve the problem.

Water Heaters

plumbing contractorThe water stored in your water heater is heated by a set of burners located at the bottom of the tank. If you have a hard water problem, the minerals can solidify into a limescale layer at the base, which makes it difficult for the water to maintain its hot temperature. In turn, this decreases the efficiency of the unit and increases your utility bills, as the water heater will have to work harder. Installing a water softener in your home can prevent the buildup of limescale in the tank.


The minerals in hard water will build up on the pipes, especially the ones that carry hot water. Over time, this can obstruct the opening and reduce water flow. You may notice weakened pressure and less water coming from the showerhead and faucets. In severe cases, the build-up may even cause the pipes to burst. A plumbing contractor can test the hardness and determine which softening solution is right for your home.


Hard water can also affect the performance of major appliances like dishwashers and refrigerators. When the pipes within these machines become clogged with scale build-up, this can lead to leaks and the damage of inner components due to increased wear and tear.

To rid your home of hard water issues, don’t wait to speak with a plumber about installing a water softening system. The plumbing contractors at H2O Specialists have nearly 20 years of experience helping local residential and commercial clients with their water supply systems. From water heater installation to drain cleaning, they will address any issues you are confronting. Call (830) 895-7575 today to speak with a representative or visit their website for more information. 
